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The main idea for the video was blending textures of the percussion instruments with those of an abandoned building. Creating an effect in which you're not really sure if it’s an instrument or a structure you’re looking at. I filmed over more than 80 texture shots of the building to blend with the close-ups of the instruments. 

We also split the video into three visually different parts so they could be used separately for promotional purposes, script-wise these chapters also created a journey just like the music does. Another request was to add some hints of nature to the video, hence why there is a water and fire part. The first chapter shows the aftermath of chapter 2 and 3 making it a vicious circle starting over again. 

We filmed for two days in a very dirty, cold, empty factory building. Most of the water and fire textures were shot at my home on another day using lots of glitter and a dead Christmas tree.

©2024 - All Rights Reserved by LUKASCOPE

Directed by Luka Galle

Director of Photography / Grading - Luka Galle

Assisant Camera / Focus Puller - Siebe Van Gaever

Editing - Luka Galle

Music by Robbe Kieckens, Célestin Massot, Simon Leleux

Artist Management - L&D Music Management

Thanks to Sam Dewitte, Eric Schelstraete, Jens Allaert, Gilles Mosar

With the support of Sabam For Culture & Playright

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